Many people think of intimacy anorexia same as sexual anorexia. However, those who have been diagnosed with it or still struggling know that there is a difference. Intimacy anorexia is considered a relationship disorder found commonly in long-term relationships or marriages. It’s marked as a lack of intimacy in a relationship and with time, this lack of intimacy deepens its roots and impacts the relationship adversely. In many cases, relationships end up in separation.
When it comes to treatment, diagnosing the condition is crucial. A few signs that are most common among people with this condition is ‘making themselves busy’ to avoid spending time with their spouse, continuous withholding of intimacy, and difficulty expressing their feelings. A few people also showed signs like constantly using emotional manipulation, anger, or silence to shape the relationship rather than using positive things like praise and approval. If you or your partner have any or all of these symptoms, this could be an indication of intimacy anorexia.
Once diagnosed, you can undergo intimacy anorexia treatment. Generally, counseling with a therapist who has knowledge in this condition is recommended as it’s a holistic approach that is believed to be effective. By doing so, you can get to know about different ways that can help you or your partner deal with this condition.
If you are looking for an intimacy anorexia therapist, Michael Roth is a renowned coach you should get in touch with. He specializes in the field of sex addiction and love addiction recovery coaching. By counseling with him, you can receive the right guidance.
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