Friday, September 13, 2019

What is Holistic Treatment and What Are Its Benefits?

Holistic therapy is a non-invasive method of treating certain medical or other condition, by treating the underlying cause of your symptoms naturally improves your health and wellbeing.

This type of therapy is used to focus on the overall wellness of the patient with the help of unique strategies to provide a unified body-spirit treatment. During the treatment sessions, the expert uses several holistic healing methods including meditation; yoga; nutritional interventions, Somato Emotional Repatterning (SER) and other more that helps in improving the overall health of an individual. The primary motive of this treatment is to uplift the spirit of the individual to deal with loneliness and help in situations like recovery sexual addiction.

Benefits of Holistic Coaching

*The best thing about holistic coaching or treatment is that the coaches can take the addict with the severe condition to help them recover like it nothing ever was there. After then, the coach will put significant time in understanding the situation and more importantly, the real reason behind the addiction. They use all this information to come up with a more personalized treatment solution for the individual.

*The other benefit of this treatment is that there is no particular medication or invasive method is involved. The coach will guide you through the treatment with a more spiritual and holistic way.

*In Holistic treatment, there is not a single approach that uses any toxic substances. This makes the holistic treatment of the clean and extremely fresh addiction treating method.

*In this methodology, you will be guided by a personal expert or coach who will be hearing you all the time and discussing how you feel. The conversation is also an important part of treatment to relinquish the pain and suffering that helps in dealing with addiction.

*This method helps the individual in getting rid of numerous addiction conditions. It has been proving that sex addiction holistic therapy is very effective for people to get back normal.

Monday, August 12, 2019

How To Recover From Love Addiction

Love addiction is as dangerous as substance abuse since it involves a strong craving for something or someone you want it badly. People who suffer from this symptom may always be looking out for true love. Unfortunately, they often run into the wrong persons in a place at the wrong time. This is because their perception of a romantic relationship is not exactly the way it is. When you give your best to someone and you didn’t get the same reply, you may feel the cracking sound in your heart. For example, a friend of yours saw a beautiful woman on the train and she gave him an instant sly smile. This can cause an illusion that she really wants to start a relationship with him. Once he found out she is nowhere near such hopeful romance, he might break into pieces. He thinks his problem in a love relationship is bigger than the universe, but the truth is they are delusional love addicts.

If you notice such behavior in someone who is very close to you, don’t hesitate to call the love addiction recovery service ear you.

Defeating an addiction

Since there are no proper pills to cure a love addiction, people seek help from recovery centers by performing exercises that improve the mind and soul. Some common activities to recover from such addiction are:

*Stop punishing yourself for the crime you never committed. When you are going through a bad phase, try to think about activities to keep you busy.

*Don’t worry about losing Mr Right or Ms Perfect. Somebody is always there for you in a parallel universe.

*Don’t expect someone to return back something you gave. Not everyone is a sensitive, responsible creature like you.

*Stop dreaming about a romantic gateway which not possible without a partner. You should start a hobby that occupies your mind and body.

Love addiction involves certain compulsive behaviors involving romance and sexuality. The love addict could harm himself in pursuit of a relationship. When you fall out of a relationship or a marriage, consult a love addiction recovery coach as soon as possible. The specialists will examine the symptoms so that you can get the best therapy to overcome your weakness.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Intimacy Anorexia and Intimacy Anorexia Treatment

Many people think of intimacy anorexia same as sexual anorexia. However, those who have been diagnosed with it or still struggling know that there is a difference. Intimacy anorexia is considered a relationship disorder found commonly in long-term relationships or marriages. It’s marked as a lack of intimacy in a relationship and with time, this lack of intimacy deepens its roots and impacts the relationship adversely. In many cases, relationships end up in separation. 
Often confused with having space or alone time, intimacy anorexia is hard to diagnose as the symptoms collide with that of sexual anorexia. However, if you seek professional help from an intimacy anorexia therapist, you can learn about the anorexia you have.
When it comes to treatment, diagnosing the condition is crucial. A few signs that are most common among people with this condition is ‘making themselves busy’ to avoid spending time with their spouse, continuous withholding of intimacy, and difficulty expressing their feelings. A few people also showed signs like constantly using emotional manipulation, anger, or silence to shape the relationship rather than using positive things like praise and approval. If you or your partner have any or all of these symptoms, this could be an indication of intimacy anorexia.
Once diagnosed, you can undergo intimacy anorexia treatment. Generally, counseling with a therapist who has knowledge in this condition is recommended as it’s a holistic approach that is believed to be effective. By doing so, you can get to know about different ways that can help you or your partner deal with this condition.
If you are looking for an intimacy anorexia therapist, Michael Roth is a renowned coach you should get in touch with. He specializes in the field of sex addiction and love addiction recovery coaching. By counseling with him, you can receive the right guidance.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Choosing A Confident Way To Rejuvenate A Life Of An Addict

When there is no medicine to treat an addict, a rehab center comes to the rescue. There is a reliable drug rehabilitation in California that helps despair persons who want to quit the bad habit. The dedicated staff at the center delivers rejuvenation programs and mental therapies to encourage the inmates to overcome addiction. They give a thorough process to help inmates back to a sober and happy life.

An addict can be anyone - a cocaine sniffer, a bar fly, a prescribed abuser, or anyone who spend time inhaling nicotine cigarette. It is impossible to go back to the past, but these people really need proper treatment for a good future. To fulfill the requirements of such problems, drug rehab in California is reaching out hands to help them. The center has a team of specialists who practice holistic addiction coaching method.

A look into holistic addiction coaching method

This treating method involves addressing addiction in the most often in ethnic or cultural circles. This not associated with allopathic medical treatment that has western approaches. It takes spiritual awakening instead of trimming the deterrence. Some known benefits of holistic addiction coaching method are:

  • By checking the symptoms, the method is applied to find the root of a problem and eliminates it permanently. 
  • It treats both mind and body together as the same entity since none of them can exist without each other.
  • It focuses on eliminating negative energy by allowing the patient to recover oneself from an emotional event that was taken place in the past.

Drug rehabilitation in California also has other coaching methods such as auriculotherapy, neobiofeedback, and nutrition dieting. The main objective of the rehab center is to help the patient follow a path to recovery. The patients are motivated to cope with addiction with specific plans provided by drug rehab in California.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

3 Reasons Why You Should See A Therapist For Love Addiction

All of us are “in love with the idea of being in love”. Although, this is a natural human mechanism, there are situations when the line is pushed too far. Well, there are a lot of times when you constantly quarrel with your partner about the ‘things not being the same’, but is it really true? You have to dig deeper into your thoughts to answer that. Feelings of anxiousness are often accompanied by compulsive behavior, that is “the constant need to have someone around”.
On this level, you should seek holistic therapy for love addiction. It’s better to know about the reasons for seeking therapy for this addiction-
1. Deal with your fear to be alone
Most of the people who suffer from love addiction have this constant fear of being alone. They feel that if they are not with their partners, there is no one to care for them. However, holistic therapy would help such individuals understand that this is far from true. There is a difference in being alone and being independent. By seeking holistic therapy, individuals would understand their thought patterns and work on them to deal with their fear.
2. Clarify the boundaries between sex and love
This is a common observation that individuals who go through love addiction feel that sex and love are the same things. The reality, however, is quite different. The initial feelings in any relationship related to the physical attraction are not an individual’s ultimate goals. By seeking the therapy, they would know how should they differentiate between sexual attraction and the euphoric feeling associated with it they presume to be ‘love’.
3. Understand when you have to step out of an abusive relationship
Individuals going through love addiction are not able to step out of abusive relationships. This happens because they can’t imagine their lives without the person who they are with. By seeking holistic therapy, they can come to terms with their insecurities and fears and overcome them to lead a better life.
Reach out to a love addiction recovery coach through the web to seek holistic therapy to deal with your fears and understand life better. Browse through the web to know more.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Why Hire A Therapist For Maintaining Your Prurient Lifestyle – Learn About The Symptoms Of Hypersexuality

Sex is a tabooed discussion often because how individuals will learn how to have the discussion with someone about it. In fact, many of us are hesitant about talking to someone about such affairs. That is why many of us never realize we are addicted until we talk to someone about it. Whom could you possibly talk to?

Sex addiction holistic therapy is something that more ought to know about. However, these people can be the experts in helping you with this tabooed subject.

Why You Should Hire A Therapist?

It is a question you should ask yourself. Sex education is a very important process that any adult goes through. However, you never learn enough about intimacy and other stressful topics. 

What Is Sex Education?

A compulsive sex addict would perhaps never realize that they may be having too much casualness and maybe not settling down. However, sexual therapy can help you in much more different ways. For example, there are some people who suffer from multiple orgasms. That's what's happened to father-of-two Dale Decker, who suffers from Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome. The condition causes him to have 100 orgasms a day and up to 40 erections. 

How Should One Feel About Sexuality And Occurrence?

Compulsive sexual behavior is sometimes called hypersexuality, hypersexuality disorder or sexual addiction. It's an excessive preoccupation with sexual fantasies, urges or behaviors that is difficult to control, causes you distress, or negatively affects your health, job, relationships or other parts of your life. An obsession with sexual thoughts, urges or behaviors that may cause distress or that negatively affects health, job or relationships can also stem from substance abuse and childhood trauma.

Symptoms Of Hypersexuality

Here are some symptoms that your arousals may be taking over your space and your relationships. 

  • Excessive time is consumed by sexual fantasies and urges, and by planning for and engaging in sexual behavior.
  • Repetitively engaging in these sexual fantasies, urges, and behavior in response to dysphoric mood states (e.g., anxiety, depression, boredom, irritability).

About 3% to 6% have issues with sex addiction. So, seek counsel for your anxiety and depression. Taking therapy is the best way to convalesce and get back from the euphoria and downside of hypersexuality. If you like it, then talking about with someone who will guide you is not bad route to find a balance in between.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

3 Signs Your Partner Is An Intimacy Anorexic

Couples blissfully fantasize about their happy future and perfect married life when they say their wedding vows. They dream of a hassle-free romantic lifestyle but not everyone is lucky enough to keep that spark alive till the very end. Intimacy issues can cause a lot of inconvenience and cause damage to the core foundation of the relationship. When one of the partners starts keeping emotional, spiritual or sexual distance, it creates virtual barriers between the partners. These barriers can make both of them suffer and feel isolated. Intimacy anorexia treatment is essential for breaking the ice and restoring normalcy in your relationship. 

With the support of a professional therapist, it is possible to reconnect with your partner and fulfill your dream of living “happily ever after”. Reaching out to a therapist before it is too late can save your failing relationship. Here are a few signs that will help you know if intimacy anorexia is ruining your relationship:-

  • The blame game

People with intimacy anorexia usually tend to shift the blame to their partners. They tend to find excuses for everything and stop focusing on the positive attributes of their partners. They fail to balance their relationship and find it hard to connect with their loved ones. 

  • Denial of feelings

Intimacy anorexics find comfort in keeping away from all sorts of emotions. They suppress their urge for love, praise, and even sex. They not only keep their true feelings hidden inside, they tend to deny it in front of others. Instead of communicating with their partner, intimacy anorexics just assume the worst and make assumptions based on them. This behavior can cause serious complications in a relationship. 

  • Constant criticism

When your partner starts finding faults in everything, it can be a potential sign of intimacy anorexia. They start using different methods for controlling the emotional status and behavior of their partner. In most cases, intimacy anorexics breakdown after a short period of time and start withdrawing their support from the relationship.

Finding a reliable therapist can save your relationship. Look out for the best intimacy anorexia therapists if your partner is keeping a distance from you.

Friday, February 22, 2019

How To Know If You Are Suffering From Love Addiction

Love addiction is fueled by need and emotional desperation. Love addicts are fearful of being alone and in a bid to constantly be with someone, they end up indulging in self-harming behavior. The term “love addiction” is slightly controversial but there is no denying the fact that it is not normal to have an overwhelming, almost obsessive and compulsive feeling of love for someone that ends up causing distress for the persons involved as well as those around them. There are holistic therapies and treatments for love addiction that can help mitigate the symptoms. 

Let us go through some of the typical signs of love addiction so that you can identify them if need be and seek help when there is still time.

1. Staying in an abusive relationship

Some people who continue to stay in abusive relationships do so because they are addicted to their partners. They think highly of this person who is their object of desire and choose to ignore the violence and abuse. This kind of behavior can stem from a childhood of neglect. It is also a result of their fear of losing the person that they hold so dear. They remain in a fantasy that is filled with hope that their partner will change. 

2.Mistaking sexual attraction for love

Quite often, victims of love addiction are unable to differentiate between sexual attraction and love. They are so submerged in the idea of being in love that they mistake a passionate affair or a momentary attraction for real love. 

3.Aggressive dependence on partner

This is the most tell-tale sign of love addiction. Love addicts exhibit a high level of dependence on their partner. They are unable to function alone. They plan all their activities around the partner and try to include him or her in all that they do. 

4.Being in a relationship with an emotionally unavailable person

Love addicts often get into relationships with partners that fear intimacy and do not want to invest in the relationship. The addiction drives them to a point where they overlook the red flags in the relationship. This leads to them leading a life that is devoid of real love and care.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Break The Taboos Of Sex Addiction By Seeking The Right Treatment

Addiction is a state where a person constantly engages in an activity or a behavior above the regular levels. Though, most people are hesitant to share the problems of addiction, having sex addiction can have significant debilitating effects on your physical and mental health. If you are in a similar situation or you have a loved one who is going through this, it makes sense for you to seek the best sex addiction treatment in California without delaying.

When you think about ‘Why Me’ or ‘What had I done to deserve this’ things in your mind, you are going through feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. With the aid of prominent addiction treatment clinics and treatment, you can get rid of the problems that you are going through. There are a lot of causes for these addictions most of which have their roots in the past which can include some bad childhood experiences or relationships.

 The well-known addiction treatment clinics make use of holistic therapies and treatments which help in dealing with your problem. Holistic treatment helps in going through the root cause of the problem and significantly reduces the chances of recurring. Due to the action and the reduction of Dopamine over time is responsible for communicating information about pleasure is a major cause why people get addicted to various things.

Some of the techniques which the well-known clinics use include the likes of Somato Emotional Repatterning (SER), Auriculotherapy, Neobiofeedback and the use of adequate nutritional supplements. The SER focuses on dealing with the residual association of negative and traumatic experiences that can help you deal with your emotional scars. The events which took place in the past leave you with the feelings of shame, guilt and insecurity.

With the right techniques and therapy, you can get rid of the bad memories left by those experiences. Auriculotherapy involves the simulation of neural pathways around the ear area which can help in relaxation and relief. The Neobio feedback method uses devices which alter the frequencies of the hemispheres of the brain which can help you deal with your sex addiction. The acceptance of your problem is the first thing which helps you in moving towards the right direction.

 So, if you or somebody you love has been suffering from sex addiction, you should initiate contact with prominent addiction treatment clinics through their websites.